China sourcing services and supply chain support


China sourcing services and supply chain support

"Made in China". It's a cliché, but for good reason. Many companies know that China sourcing can save them millions of dollars in their supply chain, but hold back on questions like these: china scm service 

How can I make sure I'm getting the best price from my China supplier?

How do I ensure that my suppliers are consistently meeting my quality standards?

How do I ensure my IP and trademarks are protected?

How will international trade tariffs affect my China sourcing efforts?

These are all important questions that will affect your decision to source products from China and these are all questions Nicobar Group is ready to help you answer.

14 years of on-the-ground China sourcing experience

In our 14-year history, Nicobar has worked with many Western companies to optimize their China procurement process. Our value proposition is based on our deep expertise in developing and implementing strategies for cost-effective operations and reducing procurement costs in China. Additionally, Nicobar has long-standing relationships with many top-tier, high-quality suppliers, including castings, stampings, forgings and metal fabrication manufacturers. Nicobar maintains supplier independence as one of the primary aspects of its business model, thereby ensuring true objectivity while providing ideal solutions to customers across various geographies. We never take kickbacks from factories in exchange for referrals - we work 100% to meet our customers' needs for China sourcing services.

We go beyond basic supplier identification

Nicobar offers its customers turnkey procurement opportunities from China, including pricing, terms and logistical coordination for shipment and warehousing. In our years of experience, we have developed organizational processes to ensure customers the most competitive pricing for their China-sourced products. Nicobar also collaborates with suppliers to establish standard operating procedures for future production runs to ensure best practices are implemented in the manufacturing process. Our long relationships with manufacturers combined with our experience in all aspects of the metalworking industry provide Nicobar with unparalleled insight into the cost negotiation process.

The Nicobar team has vast experience with machining processes and metal fabrication processes and we have deep experience in matching suitable Chinese materials to standard foreign materials. This means we help outsource to our customers all the headaches of finding the appropriate Chinese equivalent for material properties, standards and dimensions. Our team is fully professional capable with standard industry engineering tools and software suites including SolidWorks, ProE and AutoCAD.

Our turn-key China supply chain solution

The figure below depicts the complete ecosystem of turnkey supply chain management and support that Nicobar provides to its clients. There are many sourcing companies in China that can provide you with some part of this workflow, but very few are qualified to take you through the entire production process, from initial requirements assessment to nonconformance resolution and long-term site monitoring.


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